Coletivo Coletores

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São Paulo, Brazil, 2008. – Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.
PIPA Online 2022 winner.

Created in 2008 at the edge of the East Zone of the City of São Paulo by the artists and researchers Toni Baptiste and Flávio Camargo, The Collective COLETORES [Collectors] proposes itself to think the cities as means of support for its actions using different visual and technology languages, debating themes connected to the slums, historic/cultural erasings, such as the right to the city. The COLETORES collective has already been part of different projects connected to technology, art and the city through exhibitions and institutional projects, such as: Museu da Língua Portuguesa [Museum of Portuguese Language], FILE, FONLAD – Portugal, Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de São Paulo, Instituto Moreira Salles, Rede Sesc, Red Bull Station, Centro Cultural São Paulo, SPURBAN, British Council, Dakar’s Biennial of Contemporary Art, besides being awarded by PROAC for Histórico de Realização em Artes Visuais 2021 and being nominated for the MVF Awards 2021. The Coletores Collective has a history of curatorship and work with projects in art education, human’s rights and right to the city, developing collaborations with institutions, collectives, brands and enterprises such as: Feira Preta, ECA-USP, UFRN, UFABC, Casa Natura Musical, Festival Bixa Nagô, Festa AMEM, Instituto a cidade precisa de você, São Mateus em Movimento, Ateliê Carlos Vergara, Atelier do Centro, Batekoo, among others.


To learn more about Coletivo Coletores, please visit her full profile on the PIPA Prize website.