
Home > Collection > Babu78

Cuiabá, MT, 1978. – Lives and works in Cuiabá, Brazil.
Represented by Galeria Mirante das Artes.
PIPA prize 2018 nominee.

BABU78 (Adão Silva Segundo), is a draughtsman, graffiti and visual artist,  and also an art educator in graffiti workshops. Currently, BABU78’s production is divided between street murals and studio paintings, drawings and illustrations. Amongst his recent solo exhibitions, in Brazil, are: “Abissal”, Blaze Gallery, São Paulo, 2016; “A Casa do Parque”, Cuiabá; “Caótico”,  SESC Amazônia das Artes, Galeria do SESC, Palmas, Rondônia, Teresina, Macapá and Boa Vista, 2012. He has participated in several group shows, including the most recent: “Irigaray Arte Cidade”, Palácio da Instrução, Cuiabá, MT; 2016; 25º Salão Jovem Arte Matogrossense, Palácio da Instrução, Cuiabá, MT, 2016; “Projeto Liberdade Assistida”, Galeria Silva Freire OAB-MT, Cuiabá, MT, 2015.

Critical Texts


To learn more about Babu78, please visit her full profile on the PIPA Prize website.