Leopoldo Wolf

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Brasília, DF, 1979. – Lives and works in Catalonia, Spain.
Represented by Paradigmas galery.
PIPA 2011 nominee.

Leopoldo Wolf, also known as LH Wolf collaborated in Brasilia to different collective works on ephemeral art such as 0.17 and Fora do-Eixo. From 1994 on, he has participated in several exhibitions which include “Ideograma Esvaziado in the Fora-do-Eixo – Precipitações”, editions at Museu Nacional do Conjunto Cultural da República (12/08); “VER = LER”, at Galeria de Faculdade de Artes Visuais UFG, Goiania, Brazil (03/06); “VERBO”, Performance Art Festival at Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil (06/06). Wolf won the 1st prize in the Salão do Iate Clube de Brasília (11/05); he was invited to the project Redemergencia from FUNARTE in Brasilia (11/05), the Acquisition Award from the X Salão de Pequenos Formatos UNAMA, at Galeria de Arte Graça Landeira, Belém, Brazil (04/04); he has also exhibited his art-books in Obra Nome, on Brazilian visual poetry at the Conjunto Cultural da Caixa, Brasília, Brazil (12/03). Part of his work is now part of the collections of SAELPA, UNAMA, MAB and the Museu Bispo do Rosário.

From the series "One Whole Minute", 2010, digital print, 35 x 43 cm


To learn more about Leopoldo Wolf, please visit her full profile on the PIPA Prize website.