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Itamarandiba, Brazil, 1983. – Lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
PIPA Online 2022 winner.

I had my childhood in Carbonita-MG, in Vale do Jequitinhonha. Among other things, from there I carry pequi dust, twisted weeds and pitch dark dripped with prayers. My family left for Caeté, in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, and, from the daily commute to work, I traced drawings. I graduated in Languages from UFMG, became a teacher and said so many times that occupying any stage was the right of any and all people that I ended up listening to. I then graduated in Fine Arts at the Guignard School-UEMG and I am raising a boil of joining myself whole, from a braiding of knowledge heard, witnessed and inscribed in the musculature of my hands: various crafts, painting, laundry, spinning, writing, drawing, cooking, ceramics… With these trainings I am unraveling and weaving the recipes of occupying times and spaces in the moving of my subjectivities.


To learn more about Josi, please visit her full profile on the PIPA Prize website.