Isael Maxakali

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Santa Helena de Minas, MG , 1965. – Lives and works in Ladainha, Brazil.
PIPA 2020 nominee.
PIPA Online 2020 winner.

My name is Isael Maxakali, I live in Aldeia Nova, municipality of Ladainha – MG. I’ve made a lot of movies for people everywhere to watch and know that we Tikmū’ūn exist. I also really like making drawings of animals, fish, yãmĩyxop spirits and other things too. I think that, with my work, I grow and strengthen the Tikmū’ūn. If I get known, they do too. If I win a prize, they win too!


To learn more about Isael Maxakali, please visit her full profile on the PIPA Prize website.