Daniel Beerstecher

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Schwäbisch Hall, Alemanha, 1979. – Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil and around the world.
PIPA 2016 nominee.

Daniel Beerstecher’s work, whether in video, photography, installation, object, has collage as its starting point. The artist associates environments with objects displaced from their original, predictable contexts, and thus builds new layers of meaning, from the plunge into the absurd. Daniel has lived in Brazil for four years, developing projects that combine his interest in nature with insights from his experience in cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, for example. With a trajectory of more than ten years of work, since 2012, he presents his works in the art circuit of Brazil, in addition to carrying out projects and projects abroad.

Em 2016, o artista participou das exposições coletivas “Depois do Futuro”, no Parque Lage (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), e “Till it’s gone / ikonoTV Art Speaks Out”, em Istanbul Modern, na Turquia. Em 2015, fez as individuais “Deslocamentos”, na Galeria Funarte de São Paulo, SP; “Viagem através”, na Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, em Recife, PE; e “Land-Sailor”, no Kunsthalle Göppingen e Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe, na Alemanha. Ainda em 2015, participou da Bienal de Imagem em Movimento (Expanded Senses – B3 Biennale of the Moving Image), no Museum Angewandte Kunstem, Frankfurt, Alemanha, além de ter sido selecionado para participar da “Verbo”, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, SP e “Abre Alas”, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Em 2014, ganhou o Prêmio Funarte de Arte Contemporânea 2014, São Paulo, SP, o Projeto Residências Artísticas 2014, da Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, além de ter participado de 500 Years of Future, II Bienal de Montevideo, Uruguai.

In 2016, the artist participated in the group exhibitions “Além do Futuro”, in Parque Lage (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), and “Till it’s gone / ikonoTV Art Speaks Out”, in Istanbul Modern, Turkey. In 2015, he made the individual “displacements” at Galeria Funarte in São Paulo, SP; “Viagem through”, at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, in Recife, PE; and “Land-Sailor”, at the Kunsthalle Göppingen and Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe, in Germany. Still in 2015, he participated in the Bienal of Moving Image (Expanded Senses – B3 Biennale of the Moving Image), at the Museum Angewandte Kunstem, Frankfurt, Germany, in addition to being selected to participate in the “Verbo”, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, SP and “Abre Alas”, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. In 2014, he won the Funarte Prize for Contemporary Art 2014, São Paulo, SP, the Projeto Residências Artísticas 2014, from the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, in addition to having participated in 500 Years of Future, II Bienal de Montevideo, Uruguay.

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To learn more about Daniel Beerstecher, please visit her full profile on the PIPA Prize website.